What is Somatic Sexology?

Somatic sexology is the meeting of somatics (focusing awareness through the body), with sexology (the scientific study of human sexuality)

Somatic sexology develops 'embodiment', which is deeper presence, awareness and understanding of what is going on in your body and in sex.

Who do I work with?
All my 1:1 sessions and couples coaching is done online. Vulva- Vaginal Mapping and bodywork sessions are with vulva owners only. However anyone can use the ‘Ask a sexologist’ function and get support and a question answered. I work with all ages, sexual orientations and with people all over the world via online coaching.

Why would you work with me?
You’re obviously curious about something, whatever that curiosity is, is the why. I will work with whatever is going on for you, encourage you to get curious about what’s going on in your body and together we can learn, explore and expand. All emotions and forms of expression are safe here. Our sexual habits and attitudes are built over a lifetime. Like any other habit, it takes continued work to change our relationship with our bodies and sex.

How many sessions do I need?
Thats totally up to you. It depends on what you’re wanting to achieve. We are all looking for a quick fix in this world but we normally have years of conditioning to unravel. I like to think of it as a journey back home to your body. This work is not clinical or linear, we are rewiring neurological pathways, it is all individualised and a series of sessions is recommended for optimal learning and change.

Do you have a code of ethics:

Code of Ethics of the Somatic Sex Educators’ Association of Australasia (SSEAA)

Professional members of the SSEAA agree that:

* The practitioner’s chief focus and primary ethical responsibility is for the clients’ wellbeing.

* The practitioner works to establish a relationship which the client experiences as safe, consensual and fully engaged.

* The practitioner works to support the client into their experience of embodiment. When consensual touch is included it is for the purposes of the client’s learning & growth.

* The practitioner commits to their own personal growth, professional development and ongoing self care.

* The practitioner is aware of the potential for attraction within the client practitioner relationship and ensures the focus is on the clients’ growth & learning.

* The practitioner practices in a way that is free of narcissistic gratifications such as gratifications of authority, power, sensual pleasure and admiration.

* During the session the practitioner is fully and consistently at the service of the client’s personal growth.

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