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Vulva - Vaginal Mapping is:
A journey back to your sacred lands. 

By mapping your vulva and vagina we find out where you have pleasure, numbness, or tension. This information allows you to understand and heal any tension inside. This is a mindful vaginal massage. Bringing awareness by touching and naming each part of your genitals we are noticing and allowing more sensation. You’re reconnecting and being educated at the same time 

What happens:
It is a 2.5 hour deep dive into you. Everything I do is based on safety and consent. We start off with connecting, this is your opportunity to share anything that feels of relevance to you, everything is welcome. When you are ready to move to the body the invitation is to receive a lymphatic breast massage, womb and digestive system massage. This touch helps to relax the nervous system, increase blood flow and cultivate safety with a sense of nurturing in the body. This is an educational journey of connection to your body including your genitals. I am always checking in for consent and we will only move at your speed.  Whilst I work to a structure every session is unique and tailor-made to support you and what you need in each moment.

Vaginas are receptacle’s, it’s a space where we can hold stress, tension, pain and trauma. You may not even know what tension you are holding until we give your genitals undivided attention and the opportunity to be seen and heard. Using bodywork we can clear stagnant energy on a cellular level. It’s almost like pushing the reset button which makes space for pleasure, sensuality, fertility and sexual health. Leaving you feeling more empowered, erotic, and connected on a daily basis.

What are the benefits of this work?

  • Reclamation of your sacred space

  • Integration of the mind, heart and vagina

  • Feeling connected to your power centre and creativity 

  • Unlocking your sensuality and femininity

  • A safe place for healing and acknowledgement post miscarriage and abortion 

  • Fortifying energetic boundaries 

  • Support for any pain being experienced or menstrual difficulties 

  • Shedding shame, guilt and trauma around sexuality 

  • Release of fear, negative self worth and judgement 

  • Gain confidence in your body image and self love 

  • Reconnecting to the vagina and pelvis post birth 

  • Cracking open of the heart 

  • Becoming comfortable sitting in receptivity.

Each session is 2.5 hours hands on with Morgan
$395 USD